For Sidney and Tippet
On the day between your births,
When, as often happens,
The force of planetary motion
Through the Zodiac,
Like the pull between our island
And its seas,
Or the gap between
A magnet and its filings,
Maps invisible affinities,
The way that sunsets bend
The sun, when,
In their magnetic math,
Our orbits finally run
Together, and even
Overlap the path where they began:
This airy conjunction of ours—
That, and the fortunes of stars.
October 3rd, 2020, December 31st, 2020 & January 8th, 2021
This is about things we all know are real, and yet you couldn’t prove one of them—those serendipities of chance, coincidence, and whim which magnetize our lives and loves, the way parents produce amazing children, as Sidney and Tippet produced Cathy.