By CAConrad

in a past life I wasa little fish who             	cleaned the            	shells of            turtles        a dream   helped me       remember their            deep voice of thanksmany nights I heard sharks waiting           for the tide to draw me nearwhen the calendar runs outit feels lucky another awaitsall I have ever wanted was toforge the English language intoa spear and drive it into my heartbetween leaping and being shovedno lonelier place to put my faith for theswinging motion inside the dance we sharedon the extraordinary suit for this ordinary daytake our time studying trees to imagine thenests we would build if we were birdsI ask all         you talented      people spending  many creative hoursperfecting killer drones           guns and bombs to pleaseknow we are waiting for   you on the other side        of art in the nokill zone


*Selected for the 2024 Bloomsday Film Festival*

Directed by Matthew Thompson.

From Amanda Paradise. Copyright 2021 by CAConrad. Used with permission of the author and Wave Books.